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いずれも商品が到着次第、発送のお手配をさせていただきます。(W) Al Ewing (A/CA) Steve Lieber
To know him is to love him--that fab freak who can change himself into any element in the human body! He's the one and only Rex Mason, alias Metamorpho... but can even he win out against Cy.C.L.O.P.S., the hairy eyeball of crime that gazes from the top of the pop charts to the lowest depths of evil--and even into the far-off, far-out Ra-Realm? To find out, the Element Man must survive a hand-picked assassin who can match him change for change...and that's just the first issue! Join us for this covalent bond of friends and foes in the brand new ongoing series from superstar team Al Ewing and Steve Lieber!