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EIGHT HOLIDAY TALES OF HEARTWARMING CHEER! Written by Marv Wolfman, Alexis Quasarano, Drew Maxey, James Reid, Calvin Kasulke, Rick Sanchez, Dorado Quick and Zipporah Smith Art by Paul Pelletier, Andrew Drilon, M.L. Sanapo, Marianna Ignazzi, Marcial Toledano Vargas, Anthony Marques, Aaron Conley, Francesco Francavilla and More Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg, the Batmobile lost a wheel... and you know the rest! Read these six merry tales about characters from the DCU set during the holiday season. Be enthralled by Dr. Midnight's literally silent night, become captivated by a Deadman story written by Marv Wolfman, and ponder the question: in a world without the Joker's torment, is it really a wonderful life? Probably not. DC's Batman Smells, Robin Laid An Egg, is a heartwarming new holiday anthology coming as a gift to you this this holiday season!